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Posts Tagged ‘cds’


To all of you whose loved one’s stories I have gathered over the years–please know that audio tapes are pretty much OUT. A lot of folks no longer have a tape player. If you would care to have those tapes converted to cds, zip drives or MP3 s, let me know as we are able to do this service now All further interviews will be on a digital recorder.

My grandson, Mick Brungardt, is doing actual conversions of the tapes to the medias mentioned above. Mick, a professional web designer, set up my website. Several of you have commented on its quality and ease to get around. Should you or someone you know need web design work you can contact Mick at or

The cost of the conversion is $40 per tape which will be on 2 cds due to the time difference.

Once this is done you can make copies from your cds or we can make extra sets for $4 per cd.

I have copies of all the interviews I have done, so you don’t have to search through boxes and drawers wondering where your tapes might be.

You can contact me at or